Monday, April 4, 2011


Ok, ok I'm dating myself to say I'm a new blogger. Been putting it off for far too long. As a child, I received several "Round2It" awards and that procrastination has followed into my adulthood. Don't get me wrong, I love to write! It's one of my most favorite things to do. It's just that my inner critic keeps me for publishing anything.

However, today is a new day. Today my manuscript will be sent to a publisher. It's a fulfillment of a life long dream and I need to toughen up if I'm going to be an author. Today is a new day. A new chapter. A new adventure. A new ride I will enjoy.


  1. I'm excited to read your blog! Mine is at

  2. Hey, maybe you starting one will motivate me to get back to mine. We'd love to hear more about you guys and how you all are. Good luck with the book.

  3. I guess not that much catching up after all. haha WELCOME TO THE BLOGGING WORLD!!!

  4. Welcome to the Blogosphere... Bloggernacle... um, whatever :)
